Science and the Enterprises

Real Steel. Diesel and electric locomotives of the USSR

For a country like Russia, with its vast expanses, the railways all had a special significance. Designs created in the 20th century have made their mark in the history of the country. Even today, in the era of digital technologies, these discoveries and achievements shouldn’t be forgotten. They’re simply fascinating. Watch the film “Living Steel. Diesel and Electric Trains of the USSR only on Russian Travel Guide.

Year 2021

Duration 00:27:26

For a country like Russia, with its vast expanses, the railways all had a special significance. Designs created in the 20th century have made their mark in the history of the country. Even today, in the era of digital technologies, these discoveries and achievements shouldn’t be forgotten. They’re simply fascinating. Watch the film “Living Steel. Diesel and Electric Trains of the USSR only on Russian Travel Guide.

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