Science and the Enterprises

Samara Oblast — the Capital of Russia's Space Industry

The book is scientific and technological achievements of mankind is written continuously, the age of expanding horizons of knowledge century. Samara, an ancient Russian city on the Volga — a separate bright chapter, which deals with space age in the history of civilization. In Samara, more than fifty years at the plant «Progress» building space rockets, which for its simplicity and reliability have earned recognition throughout the world. Host of RTG TV Igor Maksymenko visited home space of Russia.

Presenter Igor' Maksimenko

Year 2011

Duration 00:24:02

Presenter Igor' Maksimenko

The book is scientific and technological achievements of mankind is written continuously, the age of expanding horizons of knowledge century. Samara, an ancient Russian city on the Volga — a separate bright chapter, which deals with space age in the history of civilization. In Samara, more than fifty years at the plant «Progress» building space rockets, which for its simplicity and reliability have earned recognition throughout the world. Host of RTG TV Igor Maksymenko visited home space of Russia.

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