
Geography of taste. Pancakes with almond topping, butter cream and spiced apple

French Crêpes Suzette with citrus sauce… American pancakes… Belgian beer crepes... All of these are variations on the same theme, prepared in so many countries around the world. We know that crepes -- bliny -- first appeared in Russia no later than the 9th century, in other words at the same time as the first Old Russian state. "Blini came to Russia as soon as the Slavs learned to prepare flour; they mixed it with water and baked it, and thus the dish came about" say historians. Today, there are more than a hundred ways one can prepare batters into pancakes or crepes: thick, thin, lacy, dense, dry, greasy, with fillings and without. One of these variations is bliny with baked-in fillings. It's a recipe that not many are familiar with these days, but in days gone by it was very popular. And this is the dish that Vladimir Pavlov is going to prepare. Of course, it will be with his own minor, but very tasty modern additions. Crepes with baked-in almonds, buttercream, and spiced apple! Only on the Geography of Taste -- on Russian Travel Guide!

Presenter Vladimir Pavlov

Year 2023

Duration 00:26:33

Presenter Vladimir Pavlov

French Crêpes Suzette with citrus sauce… American pancakes… Belgian beer crepes... All of these are variations on the same theme, prepared in so many countries around the world. We know that crepes -- bliny -- first appeared in Russia no later than the 9th century, in other words at the same time as the first Old Russian state. "Blini came to Russia as soon as the Slavs learned to prepare flour; they mixed it with water and baked it, and thus the dish came about" say historians. Today, there are more than a hundred ways one can prepare batters into pancakes or crepes: thick, thin, lacy, dense, dry, greasy, with fillings and without. One of these variations is bliny with baked-in fillings. It's a recipe that not many are familiar with these days, but in days gone by it was very popular. And this is the dish that Vladimir Pavlov is going to prepare. Of course, it will be with his own minor, but very tasty modern additions. Crepes with baked-in almonds, buttercream, and spiced apple! Only on the Geography of Taste -- on Russian Travel Guide!

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