Science and the Enterprises

Brewing Beer

Beer is one of the oldest beverages on earth — in many countries it has been prepared almost since the beginning of time with the recipe for classic beer consisting of the same ingredients from which it was made hundreds of years ago. The beer-brewing process however has completely changed as the demand for beer has increased. What do enormous beer factories and private breweries have in common and what distinguishes them from each other? The answers to these questions are easy to find after going on an excursion of one of the country’s leading beer enterprises. Some of southern Russia’s breweries shared their secrets with RTG TV, showing us how a drink as old as time is produced under today’s modern conditions. 

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

Year 2013

Duration 00:33:00

Presenter Stanislav Sal'nikov

Beer is one of the oldest beverages on earth — in many countries it has been prepared almost since the beginning of time with the recipe for classic beer consisting of the same ingredients from which it was made hundreds of years ago. The beer-brewing process however has completely changed as the demand for beer has increased. What do enormous beer factories and private breweries have in common and what distinguishes them from each other? The answers to these questions are easy to find after going on an excursion of one of the country’s leading beer enterprises. Some of southern Russia’s breweries shared their secrets with RTG TV, showing us how a drink as old as time is produced under today’s modern conditions. 

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