Animal World
Animal World
Year 2010
Duration 00:24:26
There are tens colons of waterfowl. Really rare species are found there as the Dalmatian Pelican, the lack-throated Loon and even the flamingo. Every ornithologist, amateur and professional dreams to view them. Andrey Ivanov got acquainted with the professional ornithologist Viktor Fedosov on the shore Manych lake and learnt methods of birds observation. In this film you're lucky to view birds not only from specially constructed shelter but from plane board.
Presenter Andrey Ivanov
Year 2010
Duration 00:24:26
Presenter Andrey Ivanov
There are tens colons of waterfowl. Really rare species are found there as the Dalmatian Pelican, the lack-throated Loon and even the flamingo. Every ornithologist, amateur and professional dreams to view them. Andrey Ivanov got acquainted with the professional ornithologist Viktor Fedosov on the shore Manych lake and learnt methods of birds observation. In this film you're lucky to view birds not only from specially constructed shelter but from plane board.
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