
Pomor Cuisine

Many citizens of Arkhangelsk region supposed themselves as descendants of ancient pomors. The first Russian people came there as early as 12th century from Novogorod. And the first record of Pomors from the White Sea appeared in the year 1526! It was difficult to live in the north, especially during cold winters, there has been existing special way of life and they describe Pomor character as restrained, laconic, deliberate. Igor Vukolov admired the Pomor cuisine, which is very simple but delicious. Of course, the major thing is fish, since local citizens are perfect seafarers and fishermen. The most popular fish with the Pomors has always been cod. There is a restaurant in Arkhangelsk where they serve real Pomor dishes made of cod, it's even called «Treskoed»*. They can do without cod there. You can cook the whole meal together with us, including the Pertominsky ukha**, cod baked according to the traditions of Siysky Monastery, sbiten*** and apples stuffed with northern berries. *The etymology of this word refers to Russian treska (cod), and edok (eater). **Ukha is a clear Russian soup, made of fish like salmon or cod. ***Sbiten is a hot winter Russian traditional drink.   Recipe «Pertomisnk Ukha» Recipe «Siysky Cod Cod» Pertomisnk Ukha* recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 30 minutes Ingredients: one middle-sized cod, 1 onion, a bay leaf, 1 glass of milk, 1 middle-sized carrot, 3 teaspoon butter. Directions: Cut cod into small pieces and put into clay pots with skin upwards. Peel onion, cut into large pieces and add to both pots. Salt, pepper and add bay leaf. Fill pots with water to the middle, cover and put on fire. When it boils, add ? of milk to each and leave on the stove for 15-20 minutes until ukha boils again. Peel carrot and grate it with the large grater side. Melt butter, then roast carrot until all juice boils away. Pass received carrot oil through a sieve. Serve the ukha with it. *Ukha is a clear Russian soup, made of fish like salmon or cod. Siysky Cod («Siysky meal») recipe serves 6 persons; preparation time ~ 40 minutes; cooking time ~ 45 minutes Ingredients: one middle-sized cod 3-4 tablespoon vegetable oil , salt, pepper, flour for coat, 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoon sour cream, 4 tablespoon mayonnaise, 1 small bunch of dill, 100 gram hard cheese. Directions: Cut fish into fillet, cut off black film. Cut fillet at an angle of 30 degrees against the scale. Salt, pepper, pour with vegetable oil and leave to marinade for 10-15 minutes. Roll pickled pieces in flour and roast slightly. Then put fish into a deep baking tray with skin upwards. Cut potato into slices and lay out in a semicircle around fish. Blend sour cream with mayonnaise. Add finely chopped dill and pepper. Add sauce to fish and vegetable oil to potato. Sprinkle the whole dish with grated cheese and bake in oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Presenter Igor' Vukolov

Year 2010

Duration 00:23:03

Presenter Igor' Vukolov

Many citizens of Arkhangelsk region supposed themselves as descendants of ancient pomors. The first Russian people came there as early as 12th century from Novogorod. And the first record of Pomors from the White Sea appeared in the year 1526! It was difficult to live in the north, especially during cold winters, there has been existing special way of life and they describe Pomor character as restrained, laconic, deliberate. Igor Vukolov admired the Pomor cuisine, which is very simple but delicious. Of course, the major thing is fish, since local citizens are perfect seafarers and fishermen. The most popular fish with the Pomors has always been cod. There is a restaurant in Arkhangelsk where they serve real Pomor dishes made of cod, it's even called «Treskoed»*. They can do without cod there. You can cook the whole meal together with us, including the Pertominsky ukha**, cod baked according to the traditions of Siysky Monastery, sbiten*** and apples stuffed with northern berries. *The etymology of this word refers to Russian treska (cod), and edok (eater). **Ukha is a clear Russian soup, made of fish like salmon or cod. ***Sbiten is a hot winter Russian traditional drink.   Recipe «Pertomisnk Ukha» Recipe «Siysky Cod Cod» Pertomisnk Ukha* recipe serves 2 persons; cooking time ~ 30 minutes Ingredients: one middle-sized cod, 1 onion, a bay leaf, 1 glass of milk, 1 middle-sized carrot, 3 teaspoon butter. Directions: Cut cod into small pieces and put into clay pots with skin upwards. Peel onion, cut into large pieces and add to both pots. Salt, pepper and add bay leaf. Fill pots with water to the middle, cover and put on fire. When it boils, add ? of milk to each and leave on the stove for 15-20 minutes until ukha boils again. Peel carrot and grate it with the large grater side. Melt butter, then roast carrot until all juice boils away. Pass received carrot oil through a sieve. Serve the ukha with it. *Ukha is a clear Russian soup, made of fish like salmon or cod. Siysky Cod («Siysky meal») recipe serves 6 persons; preparation time ~ 40 minutes; cooking time ~ 45 minutes Ingredients: one middle-sized cod 3-4 tablespoon vegetable oil , salt, pepper, flour for coat, 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoon sour cream, 4 tablespoon mayonnaise, 1 small bunch of dill, 100 gram hard cheese. Directions: Cut fish into fillet, cut off black film. Cut fillet at an angle of 30 degrees against the scale. Salt, pepper, pour with vegetable oil and leave to marinade for 10-15 minutes. Roll pickled pieces in flour and roast slightly. Then put fish into a deep baking tray with skin upwards. Cut potato into slices and lay out in a semicircle around fish. Blend sour cream with mayonnaise. Add finely chopped dill and pepper. Add sauce to fish and vegetable oil to potato. Sprinkle the whole dish with grated cheese and bake in oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

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