
Fairy Belovodie

The resort «Belokurikha» is located 250 meters above sea-level. The rich nature of the region, 35 salubrious sources, curative mud are the most favorable conditions for spending wonderful holiday in one of the best sanatoriums «Belovodie». It's situated in the scenic place on the bank of the river Belokurikha, surrounded by a pinery and mountains. Apart from the considerable number of hotel rooms, there are a water park, a sauna complex and SPA-center. The presenter Ludmila Shirayeva experienced herself all the possible kinds of treatment — from traditional hydromassage, stone therapy and phyto barrel to medicinal pant baths. Panty or velvet antlers are antlers of maral deers, which are found only in Altaj. The antlers contain pantocrine, a very useful substance for organism's health. It essentially strengthen the immune system, mental and physical faculties, improves metabolism and effectively relaxes stress away, that is why it's a real elixir of health and beauty.

Presenter Lyudmila Shiryaeva

Year 2009

Duration 00:25:08

Presenter Lyudmila Shiryaeva

The resort «Belokurikha» is located 250 meters above sea-level. The rich nature of the region, 35 salubrious sources, curative mud are the most favorable conditions for spending wonderful holiday in one of the best sanatoriums «Belovodie». It's situated in the scenic place on the bank of the river Belokurikha, surrounded by a pinery and mountains. Apart from the considerable number of hotel rooms, there are a water park, a sauna complex and SPA-center. The presenter Ludmila Shirayeva experienced herself all the possible kinds of treatment — from traditional hydromassage, stone therapy and phyto barrel to medicinal pant baths. Panty or velvet antlers are antlers of maral deers, which are found only in Altaj. The antlers contain pantocrine, a very useful substance for organism's health. It essentially strengthen the immune system, mental and physical faculties, improves metabolism and effectively relaxes stress away, that is why it's a real elixir of health and beauty.

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